Why Does My Mattress Get So Hot? How To Fix?

Your mattress gets so hot from the heat absorbed during the day from the environment and the heat generated and released by the body while asleep. Other factors that add to the heat on your mattress include the material used and the density degree.

You can cool the mattress by allowing free air circulation in the house by opening the windows during the day. Also, use breathable bedding and practice proper hygiene—Improvise tips such as fans to cool the mattress and take cold water before bedtime.

This article explains why your mattress gets so hot and also provides mechanisms to prevent your mattress from getting so hot. In addition, it also gives tips to exercise in your room to keep your mattress cool.

Why Does My Mattress Get So Hot And How To Fix: Quick Overview

Let’s summarize why your mattress gets so hot and how to fix or prevent it.

Cause Of Mattress Getting So HotPossible
Use of high-density mattressesInvest in breathable low-density mattresses
Use of synthetic bedding materialsSpread non-synthetic breathable cotton bedding
Poor airflow in the bedroomAllow free air circulation
Bad sleeping habitsPractice tight sleeping habits such as sleeping in light pajamas and switching off lights

Why Does My Mattress Get So Hot?

Why Does My Mattress Get So Hot

Mattresses get hot overnight due to various reasons. Different mattresses have different heat retention capacities and lose heat at different rates. Below are some of the key reasons why your mattress gets so hot.

1.     Using High-Density Mattress

High-density mattresses retain more heat than low-density mattresses. The perforations in the mattress should connect to allow airflow to cool the mattress.

Mattresses made of synthetic materials retain a lot of heat and take long to release the same heat. Invest in latex, hybrid, innerspring, or waterbed mattresses that keep cool.

2.     Use of Synthetic Bedding

If you use heavy synthetic bedding on your mattress, there is a high chance your bed will get so hot. Cover your mattress with light, non-synthetic bedding that allows free air circulation.

3.     Poor Airflow in the Mattress

The porosity of your mattress determines the retention capacity. High-density mattresses are densely packed with air spaces unconnected. Once you sleep on it, the air spaces are further pressed, making it hard for air to flow.

The overall result is too much heat retention, which makes your mattress so hot.

How To Prevent Your Mattress From Getting So Hot

Sleeping on a hot mattress is stressful as the body sweats, limiting your bedtime comfort. The good news is that you can perform a few measures to keep your bed cool all night.

1.     Allow Free Air Circulation Around The Bed

Mattresses must have fresh air during the day to lose the heat accumulated overnight. Keep the windows open and the bed uncovered.

You also need to ensure the bed frame and slats allow space for the mattress to get proper airflow. Avoid stocking luggage under the bed as the luggage may cause heat accumulation underneath the bed,

The luggage underneath the bed hinders proper airflow, which may result in heat build-up.

2.     Spread Breathable Cotton Mattress Sheets

It would be best if you covered the mattress with sheets that allow air to circulate and release the heat trapped in it.

Avoid synthetic sheets that will trap humid air in the mattress. According to the US data, use breathable cotton sheets with a thread count between 250 and 400.

3.     Use A Cooling Mattress Topper

A cooling pad topper is placed on top of the mattress to offer an extra pad but also allow maximum airflow to lower the heat levels. It is made of breathable materials to allow air circulation.

Mattress toppers foam is a breathable material that dissipates heat faster, leaving your mattress cool.

4.     Use Appropriate Head Pillows

Your head generates a lot of heat while sleeping as you exhale lots of hot air. To help cool the mattress and the pillow, use breathable bamboo cotton pillows that allow airflow and heat release.

Ensure the pillow covers are also non-synthetic and change them every night.

Extra Tips To Help Keep Your Mattress Cool Overnight

Mattresses get hot from the heat generated by your body and then retained in the mattress. If the bed does not have mechanisms to lose the heat fast, you experience sweaty nights with less comfort.

Here are some tips you can practice to keep your mattress cool.

1.     Drink A Glass Of Cold Water Before Bedtime

Your body needs cooling to reduce the heat generated while asleep. Since the metabolic process continues while sleeping, it is better to cool the body internally by drinking a glass of water.

You can also opt to have a cold shower before bedtime. Avoid too much water before sleeping, as it may have your bladder full, leading to excess sweating.

2.     Switch Off Bed Lamps And Any Electronics

Switch off electronics such as air heaters that can cause an increased temperature rise overnight. Turn off the lights too to reduce the heat from the lamps.

If you have a problem sleeping with lights off, ensure you use low lights that emit less or no heat. You can keep the lights away from your bed.

3.     Sleep On Light Pajamas

The more you cover your body in heavy clothes at night, the more you sweat. Sleep on light pajamas or even sleep half naked to reduce heat generation.

Consider uncovering some body parts while asleep to allow cold air to get in the bed and cool the heat absorbed by the mattress.

4.     Use Breathable And Light Blankets

The heavier the blanket, the more heat you get making your bedtime less comfortable. Purchase cotton or bamboo bedding to reduce heat accumulation.

Credit: The National Bed Federation


This section covers the frequently asked questions on how to keep your mattress cool.

Q: Which Is The Best Mattress That Won’t Get So Hot?

The best mattress that won’t get so hot is made of breathable materials that allow airflow, such as latex, innerspring and hybrid mattresses.

Q: What Makes My Memory Foam Mattress Get So Hot?

Memory foams are high-density mattresses with small air spaces; hence it retains a lot of heat. They have a high heat retention capacity.


Our bodies generate heat while sleeping, contributing to the heat absorbed by mattresses. Coupled with the room temperature, the mattress gets hot, making it unbearable to sleep comfortably.

The material of your mattress also contributes to the amount of heat retained. Invest in low-density mattresses that have better airflow and are breathable to allow for natural cooling.

In addition, to cool your mattress, install fans to blow cold air and switch off heat-generating electronics before sleeping. Cool your body by drinking cold water or taking a shower.

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Rene C. Evans

Hi, I'm Rene C. Evans author and owner of this website. Though this website is not related to manufacturing company of mattresses but I extensively studying, and analyzing mattresses and inform you solutions regarding mattress problem that will help you to take rest properly.

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